Sunday, September 23, 2007

narrowleaf evening primrose

this is oenothera fruticosa of the family onagraceae:

this plant is native to North America. this specimen was taken at Mule Jail, in Jackson, Mississippi, in earl fall of 2006. o. fruticosa stands out in the woods, however i have yet to see more than solitary occurrences in my limited walks. o. fruticosa also seems to have a proclivity to blooming early in the morning, closing its petals by 9 or 10 a.m.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daniel

    Beautiful photo as always.

    R.e. the "9-10am flowering".
    By chance I recently came across "Linnaeus' Clock" (worth googling if you're not already familiar) - now there's garden project for one's retirement years!
