Sunday, May 03, 2009

pyrenees star of bethlehem

here is ornithogalum umbellatum of the family liliaceae:

this flower was found on the side of the road in Jackson. the picture was taken in March of '07. this flower looks a lot like false garlic, though only from a distance. this is another flower which presents as a raceme arrangement.


  1. In Croatia this plant have name: Bird's milk and is often in littoral.
    I found it around Rijeka where I live

  2. On my czech blog I put photo "Red spider lily" with link on this site.
    I am happy to have oportunity to see this site.
    Hi from Croatia

  3. your welcome to use the flower pictures, i'm glad that you enjoyed them. i'm traveling the United States at the moment, otherwise i would be quicker to respond. Hi from the US of A

  4. I was browsing the internet for a periwinkle pic- your blog came up. Nice pictures! I was scrolling through, came across this pic, and wondered if you noticed the 4-leaf clover to the left of the bottom flower...
