Sunday, August 01, 2010

orange day lily

This is a delta flower, Hemerocallis fulva in the liliaceae family:

This is not a native plant, it invades, but it is quite beautiful.  I spied this on the side of the road between Indianola and Shaw, Mississippi on a very pleasant afternoon in June of 2008.  As an invasive plant, H. fulva falls under the category of weed.  Given the number of native flowering plants that are callously dismissed as weeds, I feel a certain satisfaction in labeling what many would insist is a flower what it truly is: a weed.  Next time you feel the urge to complain about common flowering plants remember that they may be native, thus unworthy of the term weed.  Instead, say, "the flowers I don't like" unless you are certain they're alien.

And the next time you see a day lily in someones garden, be sure to compliment them on their selection of weeds.

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